About us
Founded by graduates of the University of Texas at Dallas and TAMU, Veritas Testing and Consulting was started in response to the local market need for high-quality thermal analysis testing. In fall 2013, we obtained the assets of Rose Consulting and started offering a wide range of thermal testing in spring 2014. We are located in Denton, Texas, just north of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
Our mission is to supply high-quality thermal analysis and consulting for polymers and other materials. From experience, we know that just being able to run the samples is not enough. An understanding of materials science, the principles behind the techniques, and how the instruments operate is vital for accurate data interpretation. For example, the presence of a modulus drop in the DMA could be a glass transition, but it could also be a beta transition or an artifact caused by the method. Being able to make that call and explain it to a end-user is as important as running the test.
In 2015, we started adding hyphenated methods for thermal as well as FTIR and GCMS. Both of these can be used for evolved gas analysis with our TGAs. In 2018, we added HPDSC to our offerings and in 2019, we obtained an rheometer capable of steady shear, oscillatory shear, and normal force measurement.
Recent Publications:
“Dynamic Mechanical Analysis: A Practical Introduction 3rd Edition,” K. Menard and N. Menard, Taylor and Francis: New York, in press.
“Dynamic Mechanical Analysis” K. Menard and N. Menard, Meyer’s Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Wiley:New York, 2018.
“Thermal Analysis of Polyethylene,” K. Menard and N. Menard in the Handbook of Industrial Polyethylene, M. Spalding and A. Chatterjee, editors. Wiley and Sons: New York, 2017
“Dynamic Mechanical Analysis in the Analysis of Polymers and Rubbers,” K. Menard and N. Menard, Encyclopedia of Polymers and Rubber Technology, Wiley:New York. 2015. https://doi.org/10.1002/0471440264.pst102.pub2
“Effects of functionalized reduced graphene oxide on frictional and wear properties of epoxy resins” R. Shah, T. Datashvili, T. Cai, J. Wahrmund, B. Menard, K. Menard, J. Perez, and W.Brostow, Material Research Innovations, 19, 2015, 97-106.
West Texas, facing east